In two years it will finally come - Arashi will celebrate their 15th anniversary
For that purpose, we want to prepare a great surprise for our boys which is this huge project in which everyone can participate.
The main aim of our project will be a DVD which will be send to Arashi at the end of our project right before the anniversary.
1. What are our main thoughts for making this project?
We want to make a journey through the past 15 years of Arashi concentrating on:
- Why are Arashi so special?
- Which events are particularly stuck in your mind?
- What did Arashi bring to you?
- In what way did they help you?
- Where are you listening to Arashi? (Maybe you hear it when you are driving or are
under the shower etc. xDDD)
- When are you listening to Arashi?
- Lyrics that are stuck in your mind/saved you?
This is the first part in which everyone can participate. Please think about this, you will be able to express it all at the end of this post.
2. Our goal is as said the DVD and for that we plan several small projects.
We already have three ideas but we need MORE!
For now our plans are:
- Arashi Fan-Song ( example: own lyrics, own music)
- CM (Example: the world´s longest fan letter/ Arashi congratulations in many
- Competition for example which arashi member has the most beautiful eyes.
This is where you can use your thoughts form the first point to help us find the additional/new ideas which you will also be able to express at the end of this post
3. For now, we only collect ideas for the project.
Later, with voting, we will decide together about what we want to implement! Regarding point one und two , please follow here( link to formulary, for now look in the other document) and fill out our questions, give us ideas, tell us about your joyful experience with/about Arashi.
-------- Leading --------
Amayalikesonja (Amaya) (Ger,Eng)
andreja1989 (Anny)(Ger,Slo,Eng)
janinebr (Janine) (Ger,Eng)
vikyfaxerfeit (Viky) (Eng, French, Italian, Ger)
Sushi4ever (Mari)
Niinochan (Amu)
-------- How would we bring the DVD to Arashi?!?!?! ----------
Possible ways:
- Family Club in Shibuya (maybe a person living in Japan handing it personally)
- fanletter to one of their radio shows
- send to Aiba Family restaurant
- writing a mail to Jimusho beforehand, in which we briefly introduce our project
---------- We are looking for: ---------
- Translators, who can help us translate our project/ideas in many different languages in order to many-many-many fans joining us and participating.
Please help us create an unique gift for an unique band =)